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Ricky Walden looking for a come back

Ricky Walden will be looking for a come back from his defeat in European Masters Qualifying when he goes to the table against Jamie Barrett at the World Open Qualifying. The current 23rd in the world was expected to beat fellow Englishman Alfie Burden on Friday but he experienced a defeat. Walden, 100/1 to win the World Championship, had a 3-1 lead but he then lost the next three frames and losing a place in the tournament.

Walden will get the chance to respond on Monday when he faces Jamie Barrett in Preston. Barrett has had a disappointing start to the season, only winning one from his last five matches, and so Walden will go into the match as the favourite. Also on Monday, Judd Trump will face Sam Graigie. Trump has only lost once this year when he suffered the defeat against Ronnie O’Sullivan in the Hong Kong Masters.

Trump is 6/1 to win the World Championship, has defeated both Xu Si and Shaun Murphy. Graeme Dott is also playing on Monday and will be taking on Hamza Akhbar, whilst Joe Perry must defeat Ian Preece to qualify.

Snooker odds available at Dafabet.

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